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Kit manufacturer: Mirage Hobby
Armored vehicle type: Tanks
Year of issue: before 1960
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Model scale: 1:72
Today I’d like to present you a model of a British tank 7TP LIGHT TANK assembled from Mirage Hobby kit.
That’s a model of a British tank 7TP LIGHT TANK in scale 1:72, not a very difficult one, but it still demanded some modifications.
Hello everyone! I exhibit another representative of the engineering thought of English masters of the late 30’s, 7-ton Vickers, from the company “Mirage Hobby”. Concerning the model, I mentioned earlier that the manufacturer was clearly too lazy to detail the towers in all its models, there is even no etching in the kit (similar to UM). Assembling was basically successful, practically without any works with putty. I replaced what was possible for wire and tin, and also I tried to reproduce mesh of air intakes. I added self-made cable (by Vitaly Klimenko technology, I advise it to everyone who “robs” in the 72th).
Painting: brush, water acrylic Tamiya and Akan, artistic oil, pastel. Airbrush is only in the plans. Everything that I wanted to mention I seem to have written, now it’s up for you to judge, dear colleagues. Constructive criticism and good advice is welcome, to paraphrase, “we all learn a little, something and somehow!”.
tank model 7TP Light tank foto 2
The 7TP was a Polish tank.