
Abraham Lincoln CVN-72

by / 05-20-2016 model ships No Comments
model ship kits Avraam Linkoln CVN-72

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Manufacturer: Trumpeter

Vehicle type: military

Engine type: nuclear

Country of origin: USA

Model scale: 1:700

That’s my first aircraft carrier model. The construction took me a little less than a year, with a break for 5 months. I painted everything using the balloons with automotive paint, the decals I welded using alcohol (I must buy normal chemistry). The model ship kit is very good, I liked everything. The only trouble was caused by flight deck, it wasn’t joining, I had to modify it with a rasp. The most difficult and tedious were airplanes that were made of glass in the kit, and their size was very small.

aircraft carrier model Abraham Lincoln
aircraft carrier model Avraam Linkoln foto 1
model ship kits
aircraft carrier model Avraam Linkoln foto 2
model ship kits
aircraft carrier model Avraam Linkoln (3) foto 2
model ship kits

foto 3
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model navy ships (1) foto 4
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model navy ships (2) foto 5
model navy ships
model navy ships (3) foto 6
model navy ships
model ship kits Avraam Linkoln CVN 72 (1) foto 7
model navy ships
model ship kits Avraam Linkoln CVN 72 (2) foto 8
model navy ships
model ship kits Avraam Linkoln CVN 72 (3) foto 9
model navy ships
model ship kits Avraam Linkoln CVN 72 (4) foto 10


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