
Revell model Chevrolet Corvette C1 1962

by / 09-02-2016 Model Car Kits No Comments
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Manufacturer of the kit: AMT + Revell

Vehicle type: Cars

Year of issue: 1962

Country of origin: United States

Model scale: 1:24


I started assembling the model more than six months ago, when the hands accidentally hit a half-gutted box from the AMT model kit.

I decided to cut out the doors, the trunk. I got carried away. Then I had to make the edges of the door as smooth as possible, it killed a lot of time. I applied epoxy from Tamiya and Germany and stopped on thin Tamiya plastic the size of 0.2 mm. I completely cut and sawed the salon. I added door cards, handles. AT this I stopped, because there were no more details.

There is dark blue flock on the floor, wheels rotate, the rear suspension stroke is 0.5 mm.

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I haven’t fought all the shagreen…

By the way, recently I looked at the motor show at a car from ‘14, I asked the manager, why was there so much of shagreen, he looked at me with round eyes: – What?

But having tasted Corvette thirst, I decided nevertheless to bring it to its logical conclusion and ordered from Pindos Corvette Roadster 1962 by Revell.

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Here’s what happened.

I chose the lemon yellow-colored prototype, there is too much red in the network.

The salon is ugly, I can see.

I would like to hear the opinion of my colleagues.

Paint and varnish by Tamiya.

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