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Manufacturer: Zvezda
Vehicle type: civic
Engine type: sailing and rowing
Country of origin: Caribian
Model scale: 1:72
Good day to everyone! I present to your attention my first serious model tall ship model of fantastic Black Pearl! Prior to that my whole experience in modeling were five unpainted airplanes in childhood, so I worked with paint for the first time, too. Please forgive me in advance!
As everyone knows, Black Pearl is a pirate ship. Its darkness and mystery was interesting to me, so the choice I made was made very quickly (thanks to two assembled models I peeped on Karopke). It was very pleasant to assemble this pirate ship model, the quality of casting was on decent level. I received great pleasure from work, especially from pulling the rigging. It was hard, but nice and pleasing! Painting was carried out with a brush (I have already ordered airbrush) using Star acrylic paints (in my city the choice is small). By the time the assembly took 3 weeks. I gained invaluable experience, I plan later to stay in the marine theme.

P.S. On photos 18, 19, 20 the model is after a small refinement.

Beautiful job. Fantastic. Purchased the pirate ship by revell and I want to paint it all black. Did you use an airbrush? I do all ships by hand but I am thinking if its just to big. What color did you use for the deck? Once again wonderful job.